Sutherland Places & People

Clan Sutherland People

Kenneth Sutherland
Held the title of Lord Duffus. In 1715 he joined theJacobite rising and forfeited all his estates. He left Scotland and became an admiral in the Russian navy, eventually marrying into the Swedish nobililty. A portrait of him hangs in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, which is thought to be one of the earliest of a Scotsman wearing the kilt.

John Sutherland
Resumed the ancient name of Sutherland, which had been dropped by the family. In 1715 he was Lord Lieutenant for the north of Scotland and the Islands. He was responsible for garrisoning Inverness against the Jacobites.

George Granville

Married into the Sutherland family and Leveson-Gower was created first Duke of Sutherland in 1833. He was a progressive planner and keen reformer. He financed industries such as distilleries, but lost a great deal of money in these undertakings. He mercilessly uprooted the pastoral inhabitants of the hills and glens and moved them to modern housing on the coast. He is accused by many of having abandoned the customary obligations of a chief to his clan.

3rd Duke of Sutherland
Spent nearly a quarter of a million pounds on the building of a Highland railway, and had his own private line built from Golspie to Helmsdale.
